057 | Hiring Employees

In this episode, Joe, Adam, Michael, and Mary talk about all things hiring. From creating a good job ad to your overall marketing & branding, every service business owner who is growing their business will find something of value here. Also covered are weekly SMUG posts, release info, and general ServiceMonster news. Check back every other week for a new episode!
In this episode, Joe, Adam, Michael, and Mary talk about all things hiring. From creating a good job ad to your overall marketing & branding, every service business owner who is growing their business will find something of value here. Also covered are weekly SMUG posts, release info, and general ServiceMonster news. Check back every other week for a new episode!

0:00 - Intro
2:19 - Hiring Employees
13:02 Marketing to Hire Employees
18:08 - Getting the Interview Right
31:27 - Hire Slow, Fire Fast
36:56 - Have a Plan For Your Hires
44:43 - ServiceMonster Updates
51:39 - SMUG Kimberly: Security Roles
52:30 - SMUG Nathaniel: Jyngle or Hatch?
53:41 - SMUG Ken: Implementing a Service Plan
1:00:27 - SMUG Pete: Shoutout to Michael 
1:03:27 - SMUG Jarred: Attaching Pictures to the Work Order
1:04:51 - Outro

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